Unfortunately due to some back surgery I was not able to attend the SANS CTI summit this year, however I always try to take advantage of the great content SANS makes available. To help me out in synthesizing the information, I combined the context provided by those that were live tweeting which is useful when reviewing the slide decks. Hope you find this useful and well done @rickholland , @PDXbek , and @likethecoins , another great year of great content! Day 1 Secret Squirrels and Flashlights: Legal Risks and Threat Intelligence https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-summit/archives/file/summit-archive-1579535253.pdf @CristinGoodwin Assistant General Counsel for Customer Security and Trust, Microsoft Boundaries and strategies to help analysts identify and manage legal risks while hunting, investigating, and responding "Have a principled approach to sharing, so when the crisis comes you don’t have to panic.” "What we call common in #threatinel sharing is what a l...
On Monday October 1st, I attended the European edition of the SANS DFIR Summit in Prague. Normally I try to attend this in Austin, however this year I couldn't make it so attended this one later in the year instead. I took a couple days PTO just to spend some time seeing the sights and it was cool getting to take time visiting the historical sights, instead of my typical shut in routine. If you have time, I would highly recommend this and definitely book a night time river cruise. Also worth noting, the new Spiderman movie was filming last week which was kinda cool. A few other recommendations I would make, would be to stay closer to the city center and take the subway daily. This has the added benefit of staying at a nicer, more western hotel (eg Marriott, Hilton), but also being near the old town square. I'm staying at the Angelo Hotel, but the training is actually split between two hotels and I don't get the benefit of being able to quickly jet up th...